:: ABOUT ::
Rudy Small is a Human Services professional with specialized training in Mental Health and Addiction, Civil and Family Mediation, Ombudsman Services, Human Resources management, Coaching, Leadership, Program development and Organizational Change.
Rudy is a Professional who has previously worked for the Province of BC for 30 years, during this time he has held several management positions in Mental Health, Human and Social Services. In 1996 he co-designed the BC Housing Health Services Housing Program which received Canadian Best Practices Recognition in Mental Heal Reform from the " Canadian Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Network on Mental Health" for demonstrating how a beneficial partnership between two government ministries was able to increase housing and provide persons with serious mental illness more opportunities for independent living. In 2002 Rudy was the recipient of the "Award of Excellence in Psychiatric Nursing" in the category of Leadership and Administration, from the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of British Columbia.
During Rudy’s career, he has developed and maintained an effective relationship with several aboriginal communities, governments, organizations and housing societies where he has provided many hours of negotiation, facilitation, mediation, strategy development, coaching and training. Since 2008 Rudy has served as a Board Director on the Aboriginal Housing Management Association of British Columbia. AHMA is a quasi-government self management housing entity that serves urban and rural Aboriginal people in British Columbia by managing subsidized housing for Aboriginal housing providers.
AHMA: http://www.ahma-bc.org/about-us/our-team/directors.php
Mediate BC: http://www.mediatebc.com
Rudy has several years of Mediation, Coordination, Facilitation, Training and Coaching experience. He has current membership in the BC Arbitration and Mediation Institute, Family Mediation Canada, Mediate BC, and the International Ombudsman Association.